Improve your communication measurement with an interactive media analysis dashboard

Insights challenges traditional media analysis and helps communication experts visualise the results of their work. What are the benefits of dashboard-based media analysis?

The importance of communication in business is growing as the environment changes rapidly and the flow of information continues to increase. The traditional way of measuring and reporting the impact of communication in the form of PDF reports cannot always meet the demands of a rapidly changing business environment. This is where the interactive media analytics dashboard, Insights, comes in, offering a solution to measure communications and show results more effectively.


What are the benefits of a media dashboard analysis?

Traditional media analysis reports in PDF format are static and limited to the perspectives chosen by the analyst. They provide a single view of the state of communication at a given point in time. Insights, on the other hand, provides an interactive view that enables in-depth investigation and analysis from a variety of perspectives and with a shorter time lag. This enables a more holistic understanding of the public sphere, as well as a faster reaction to changes and identification of opportunities as they arise.

The interactive dashboard is therefore not limited to showing only tables and charts. It is a dynamic view with filtering and cross-checking capabilities that brings many benefits to public monitoring and communication measurement. Media analyst Tuukka Hanhiniemi, who specialises in the Insights dashboard, summarises the main benefits in five key points:

  • A deeper understanding of the public sphere

    The media analysis clickability and filtering capabilities allow you to delve into deeper data - right down to individual articles. Interactive features allow you to explore the context of each article and understand in more detail what gives negative or positive publicity, or the context in which your key messages are exposed. This creates both a deeper understanding of the impact of your communication and insight into how your material ranks on different metrics.

  • More flexible use and combination of indicators

    In the Insights analysis dashboard, as in all of Retriever's media analyses, metrics are based directly on communication strategy and goals.However, Insights offers significantly more options for creating different filters, cross-checks and views.This flexibility allows you to combine different perspectives into a single view. For example, you can create views that compare the tone of different topics, look at publicity over different time periods, or analyse key messages in relation to which of your company's spokespeople have had a voice. By using and combining a wide range of metrics, you will gain a deeper understanding of how communication impacts and supports your organisation's goals. You get an increasingly comprehensive picture and valuable information to support your decision-making.

  • More frequently updated data enables faster responses 

    An interactive dashboard provides quick access to current data.Analysis sections based on quantitative measures can be updated even on a daily basis, providing quick access to information and reaction to changes.You can also ensure that any qualitative analysis sections are updated more frequently than usual, e.g. every two weeks or month, even if the analyses are done quarterly, for example.You can combine more flexible intervals between analytical data updates and more in-depth analyses with your analyst, making the most of both daily monitoring and more in-depth analyses.

  • A broader view of competitor or industry publicityt

    The interactive dashboard makes it possible to monitor a wider range of data, including quantitative measures.You can use the same quantitative indicators to monitor your competitors and your industry as you use for your own publicity, e.g. to examine the temporal distribution of publicity and publicity spikes, the distribution of mentions across media and media types, or the attention paid to different actors in articles.Using various keyword-based searches, it is also possible to explore themes in news coverage or the public presence of selected topics.For example, a cosmetics company could use keyword phrases to categorise cosmetics news into skin health, seasonal make-up trends and beauty tips. The ability to combine the selected metrics allows you to look at a wide range of data from different perspectives and also seek depth in competitor or industry analysis.

  • The expertise of an analyst at your disposal

    Although interactivity allows you to get involved in the analysis yourself, it does not mean that you are completely alone.The analyst's expertise and insights are still at your disposal.Since you can now find more answers to your questions by doing your own research, you can have more in-depth conversations with the analyst and thus gain a deeper understanding of the context and potential of the communication.Your own reporting possibilities are also facilitated, as you can download the views you want from the analysis at any time.

Who is Insights for?

Insights is a medium for interactive visualisation of communication impact and rapid response.It changes the way communication is measured and understood, while inspiring communication professionals to adopt new, effective approaches.

"Dahsboard's analysis format is particularly suited to curious communicators who want the ability to find answers to their questions through research.With Insights, you can even more dynamically track the communication metrics that reflect business goals and help demonstrate the impact of communication on management's interests," says Tuukka Hanhiniemi.

How to get started?

Insights - an interactive dashboard that empowers communication professionals to create more visible and effective communication. Take a step towards the future of communication measurement with Insights and book a free meeting with one of our experts. We'll let you know what Insights can offer your communication team.