Our analysts about the Retriever way of measuring communication

Sofia Cottman and Jenny Wikstrand work as media and data insight analysts at Retriever in Sweden. Working with a clearly defined method is both a strength and a great help for them. 

media analyst sofia cottman retriever– A common methodology gives credibility to the results. Assessing the tone of the articles is often very difficult, especially for the clients themselves. The methodology also makes the results comparable for the customer, both internally and in relation to other Retriever clients, says Sofia Cottman. 


– At Retriever, the integrity of the analyst is a central part of the job. We take part in calibrations on a regular basis, where we all read the same articles and compare our interpretations. The objective is to finda common level. We also have an ongoing dialogue about our

 methodology and how we assess articles. media analyst jenny wikstrand retrieverWhen you read a lot of publicity on one particular topic, there is a risk that your judgement of what is a negative article will shift. You can become blind to what is actually negative. We rely on each other to keep focus, it is a sort of “everyday calibration”, says Jenny Wikstrand.


Retriever’s method for assessing the tone of the articles is inspired by text and discourse analysis, which means that you regard both the full article and its different parts when deciding the tone. Retriever uses a method based on semantics where we look for positive and negative words. 


– First and foremost, we look at how the object of the analysis is portrayed, which words are used. But it is essential to also look at the big picture, the headline, the lead and choice of pictures. The goal is to find some sort of objective truth, how would the average media consumer interpret this article? My experience is that the customer appreciates the fact that we have that outside perspective on the publicity. The customer often has the impression that there is much more negative publicity than it actually is, and Retriever can be the bringer of good news! says Jenny Wikstrand. 


In terms of methodology and openness, it is important to be very clear with the parameters and the methods when it comes to quantitative reports. The goal is to be able to replicate the survey with the same set of data and receive identical results. 


– In our quantitative reports, it is important to be clear about the time frame of the report, which sources are included and the meaning of various KPIs. The Retriever database is so extensive that it is important to be clear on the choice of sources, such as if broadcast media or mentions in social media should be included. It is also important to be clear on what is being measured. For most clients it is the company’s name that is the object of the analysis, but for some clients it might also be sub-brands or spokespersons, says Jenny Wikstrand. 


– It is also important to be clear on what is being measured. For most clients it is the company’s name that is the object of the analysis, but for some clients it might also be sub-brands or spokespersons, says Jenny Wikstrand. 


Putting the media coverage in a larger perspective is of great benefit for the customer. Retriever has data from hundreds of clients, which help build Retriever’s indexes and comparative statistics. Retriever has comparative data for several KPIs, such as media quality, proactivity, spokespersons, agenda-setting and sustainability. 


– With the support of the Retriever index we can put the customers’ results in a broader context. We can also compare the results with other players in the same industry. Most clients find this very useful, says Sofia Cottman. Read more about the benefits of measuring your communication and analyzing the results here.



Jenny’s and Sofia’s key benefits for using Retriever

  • Retriever is an independent and objective player that can evaluate the publicity in a credible way.

  • Retriever has a transparent way of working both with methodology and sources. We distinguish between editorial and non-editorial sources.

  • All Retriever’s analysts in the Nordics follows a common methodology.

  • The analysts are regularly “calibrated” to make sure everyone assesses articles in a similar way.

  • By using the Retriever index and other comparative data, clients’ results can be put in a broader context.